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Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a menu in PalmVNC ? How do I access it ?

In PalmVNC, the menu is not continuously displayed on the screen. To access the menu, you need to use the "menu" key, which differs from one handheld model to another (check your documentation).

On my Tungsten T3, I can't get the graffiti area to collapse. What's wrong ?

You probably need to install the T3 compatibility PRCs, which you will find on the download page.

The colors of the virtual graffiti area are all messed up, why is that?

PalmVNC uses a 256-color palette, which doesn't match the default palette on 16-bit color devices. This does not prevent use of the virtual graffiti.
A future version will provide a fix for this

How do I setup a BlueTooth or WiFi connection to my PC?

  • For a BlueTooth connection, check this page (look for "Setting up a Bluetooth to PC Connection")
  • For a WiFi connection, check this page

Can I remotely control my PC through a USB cable or cradle?


  • If your PC is running Windows, you will need to install additional software to establish a PPP connection through a USB link. To my knowledge, SoftickPPP is the only one that does this today.
  • If your PC is running Linux, you can do this without additional software, but it requires some patience and skills; check this page for an in-depth explanation.

Can I remotely control my PC through a serial cable or cradle?


  • If your PC is running Windows, the simplest way is to install Mocha W32 PPP, which will let you establish a PPP connection through a serial link. SoftickPPP does this also, but is more expensive.
  • If your PC is running Linux, you can do this without additional software, but it requires some patience and skills; check this page for an in-depth explanation.

I have read that Win-Hand is 45 times faster than PalmVNC, is that true ?

Of course not... PalmVNC and Win-Hand have comparable speeds on similar network connections. When comparing Win-Hand and PalmVNC, be aware of the following:

  • Win-Hand free does not provide password protection, which makes it impossible to run a Win-Hand server on a computer that is connected to the Internet. PalmVNC offers password protection, so if you have a permanent Internet connection you can run a VNC server on your home PC and be able to control it through the internet.
  • Win-Hand will only connect to a Win-Hand server; the Win-Hand server exists only for Microsoft Windows. On the other hand, PalmVNC will connect to any VNC server, and VNC servers exist for all the major Operating Systems (Microsoft Windows, Max OS 9 and previous, Mac OS X, Linux, all Unix flavors, ...). Plus, the source code of VNC is publicly available, which guarantees its portability to any new OS or OS flavor that will appear.
  • PalmVNC is 50% smaller than Win-Hand

How secure is PalmVNC?

Connection to a VNC server is password-protected, making it safe to leave a VNC server connected to the internet.
However, after the connection is established, data is sent over the network unencrypted. For added security, you can run VNC through a VPN (Virtual Private Network) connection; read this PalmVNC over VPN step-by-step guide kindly provided by Ryan Guanzon.

My server does not have a fixed IP address; how do I set up VNC to access it through the Internet?

The best way to work around this is to subscribe to a dynamic IP publishing service. Many of them have a free basic service, such as

  1. Register for the free IP publishing service; choose a hostname for your PC within the predefined top-level domains available.
  2. Download and install the appropriate updater software (also called client) from the IP publishing service web site. It's a small utility that will run in the background, and update the public IP address associated to your PC's hostname whenever it changes.
  3. Configure PalmVNC to use the hostname you chose at step 1 in the "Server address" field of the connection properties. The hostname will be dynamically translated at connection-time to the current IP address of your server.


> Also check the Troubleshooting Guide


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